Overview of 2013 results
Erwin Elling
On 22 March 2o13 more than 400 people in 20 cities all over the world where working 8 hours for charity in the project 8 hours overtime in a good cause.
The participating cities and their causes:
- Amersfoort: Leergeld, Kunst in Amersfoort, Gay Pride, Upside down Umbrella en Present
- Amsterdam: FairWork
- Arnhem: De Blauwe Kikker, Human Lightcircles, de Kansfabriek, We Can Young, Soepenstein.
- Berlin: Frieda.
- Bratislava,
- Cairo,
- Den Haag: Dopper, VSO Nederland, UFBR, WorldGranny, DeZoep.
- Groningen: 34 piepjes 300 tellen, GSV Leonardo, Kalinga, Ontwikkelingpotentieel, Ohana home.
- Istanbul,
- Leeuwarden,
- Leiden: Mama's Kitchen, Stichting MOL, Energiek Leiden, LCKV Jeugdvakanties, iDoe.
- Nijmegen,
- Pietermaritzburg: PMES.
- Portalegre: Ajudada, CerciPortalegre.
- Rio de Janeiro,
- Rotterdam: Femmes 4 Freedom
- Tilburg: Kittenmand, Books4Life, Thomas bouwprojecten, SNF.
- Utrecht: ISKB, Mezzo & NOV, Miess, Present Utrecht, Achter de Regenboog,Teddybears for help.
- Vienna.
Postponed to a later date:
- Münster
- Berlin
Find out more here:
- An overview of the event on Storify .
- Pictures in the Flickr photostream.