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Join the 8-i Facebook Group to pose your questions and discuss your ideas, challenges and achievements. Use the form on the right in case you have any specific questions about 8-i. 

If you are one of the (possible) organizers, be sure to fill out the form for organizers in order to have your city featured on this site. If you dislike forms like these, you can also send us an e-mail at


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From just one city in the Netherlands in 2004 to numerous cities all over the world. See if your hometown is already listed!


In 2020 8 Hours’ Overtime for a Good Cause will be organized on Friday 27 March. As every year we expect local enthusiasts all over the world to host the event in their cities.

We will compile a list of all local organisers here. If you’d like to organize (or are already organizing) 8 Hours’ Overtime for a Good Cause in your city, do contact us!

 The next edition will be on march 27th 2020 and as cities are announced they will be added here:

The next edition is on march 23 2018 (eastern is march 30) and as cities are announcing they will be added here.

These cities hosted 8 hours overtime for a good cause in 2017 (is your city missing? contact and it will be added):

Also there will the event 'Nachtschicht' on 24 February, in Berlin, Wien, Kärnten and Steiermark (Austria), in Jena (Thuringia), in Nürnberg (Bavaria) and possibly Hamburg, which was inspired by 8 Hours Overtime for a Good Cause.

In 2016 this is the list of participating cities we know of:


Take a look at the cities from some of the earlier years before on a somewhat outdated map as an inspiration:

(This map is updated manually, every once in awhile.)

 Header picture by Nieuwe Garde Tilburg : 8-i 2011 in Tilburg, The Netherlands.